The Crafting of a Hard Maple Carving/Cutting Board – Face Grain

In this article we will explain our crafting of a Maple carving/cutting board.  Of course like any project, the first thing we must do is create the design.  In this project we want to create something that is not specific to anyone and has something that is pleasurable to anyone.  I searched the Internet and found a quote by someone that we thought would be perfect for a generic cutting board.  The quote is “Food … Read more

Custom Carving/Cutting Board Information

Customer Carving/Cutting Board, Maple Board with Inlay of a Deer standing around trees and a mountain, with birds flying in the sky along with a moon. In this blog article we will show how the design and craft of a custom Carving/Cutting board is done at our home shop.  The boards are fully functional home kitchen Carving/Cutting boards that are useful in food preparation and serving.  Because some custom boards are so unique and adorable … Read more

Types of Wood Carving

In this article we would like to try to explain the differences in our process of carving wood for any wood product.  Some of this information may be elementary for some readers, but it could be helpful for others who are considering the creation of your own custom wood carving item. There are several ways that carving into wood can be done to make the result very beautiful, perhaps very unique and it could also … Read more

Memory/Keepsake Boxes

When we started this family home craft business a few years ago, we were mainly focusing on custom designed business and personal signs, both wood and vinyl styles. Later we ventured into doing other custom wood products which led us to doing unique custom Memory/Keepsake boxes. Without going into too much detail of any particular design, we decided on a few that could be easily custom design and crafted to the customer’s ideas for their … Read more